Testing of three different PVDF membranes in membrane assistedcrystallization process: Influence of me

Testing of three different PVDF membranes in membrane assistedcrystallization process: Influence of membrane structural-properties on process performance

Zhaoliang Cuia,c,d, Xue Lia, Yongxing Zhanga, Zhaohui Wanga,c, Annarosa Gugliuzzab, Francesca Militanob, Enrico Driolib, Francesca Macedoniob,⁎

Keywords: Membrane crystallization PVDF membrane Membrane structural characteristics


Throughout the world an intensified use of desalination for reducing current and future water scarcity is observed. Despite the enormous benefits of desalination processes, improvements are still required in terms of lower desalted water cost, higher productivity, better water quality and enhanced eco-sustainability of the desalination process. Environmentally sensitive concentrate management is today recognized as a significant hurdle to extensive implementation of desalination technologies. Membrane assisted crystallization (MCr) offers asuitablesolutionforredesigning desalinationprocessthrough thetreatment ofbrinestreamsfortheproduction of salts and water. In this work, three different Hyflon/polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) composite membranes were tested in MCr operations. The coating of PVDF membranes with Hyflon allowed increasing membrane surface hydrophobicity. The latter is the membrane essential characteristic when MCr is implemented according direct contact membrane distillation configuration like in the present work. The aim was to analyze the

MCr   performance in terms of membrane chemical -   physical properties   and   process   operating   conditions.